Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Song of the Day: 10/16/2012 Vices I Admire, Heartbreaker

Vices I Admire: Heartbreaker. Song and video belong to Vices I Admire.


  1. Holy sweet jesus, this song is like looking into the face of God and having it tell you that you are fucking awesome!

  2. Lmao, this is my favorite from you guys!! Love, love, LOVE IT!!!

  3. I just have one question....

    How in the FUCK have I NEVER heard of these guys before? They are like a kinky private strip session for my ears! I'm gonna need for you to give me a playlist before tonight. ;)

    They are one for the shelf! <3

  4. They actually found me on twitter lol you can go follow them @VicesIAdmire

  5. Where has this band been all my life.... the singer sounds SEXAY...... MAkes me all hot and botherd....OOOOoooo LOVE IT!!!!
